The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives-Rwanda and Burundi 2024 | Funded

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives-Rwanda and Burundi 2024 | Funded: Canadian High Commission in Rwanda announces the opening of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) annual call for concepts. Global Affairs Canada’s thematic priority areas for involvement are well-aligned with small-scale, high-impact projects in developing nations, which are the focus of the CFLI programme. Projects created and designed primarily by regional partners are the focus of the programme. Projects are chosen and authorised by the Canadian diplomatic mission in question. By strengthening relationships and assisting regional initiatives, the CFLI also promotes constructive bilateral partnerships between Canada and recipient nations’ civil societies.

Over 120 countries are qualified for official development aid (ODA) can apply for modest funds for small-scale, high-impact initiatives through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). The CFLI’s yearly programming budget is $26.8 million, divided among initiatives that cost $31,000 on average. Projects are chosen and approved by the appropriate Canadian High Commission or Embassy, and are primarily organised and carried out by local organisations.

Every year, the CFLI grants about 650 initiatives. This covers a variety of activities, such as preparing local election observers, enhancing community resilience to climate change, and encouraging the participation of women in regional peace talks.


  • Location: Rwanda
  • Sponsored by: The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
  • Program type: Grant
  • Eligible Regions: Rwanda and Burundi
  • Application Deadline: January 15, 2024

CFLI projects:

  • Economic rights for women, fair employment opportunities and entrepreneurship, support for the most vulnerable and impoverished, and preservation of financial gains are all examples of inclusive growth.
  • Inclusive governance, including diversity, democracy, human rights, 2SLGBTQI+ rights and the rule of law.
  • Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
  • Peace & security, with a focus on conflict prevention and building peace.
  • Environment and climate action, with an emphasis on water management, adaptation, and mitigation.
  • Human dignity, which includes nutrition, health, and education.

Benefits for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives:

  1. A typical Canadian dollar contribution to the CFLI is between $30,000 and $40,000. To get the equivalents in your native currency, use the currency converter.
  2. The project expenses listed below qualify for CFLI funding:
  • Accounting expenses.
  • Related expenses for lobbying and advocacy.
  • Expenditures for capital and/or ongoing operations associated with the constructing, leasing, or buying of infrastructure.
  • Project-related administrative and overhead expenses (overhead not to exceed 15% of total CFLI contribution).
  • Civic education costs
  • Conference and event expenditures
  • Costs of services received by recipients
  • Domestic travel expenses,
  • Environmental assessment costs
  • Facilities charges,
  • Renting or buying equipment is an option, but only if it is necessary to complete the project, offers good value for the money, and the recipient has a solid strategy in place for its upkeep and sustainability.
  • Expenses for hospitality, not including alcoholic drinks.
  • Shipping, upkeep, installation, and/or transportation expenses, including petrol.
  • Computers and communication devices
  • Lease or rental of vehicles
  • Legal costs
  • Medical costs
  • Miscellaneous expenses integral to the project
  • Communication and information dissemination costs
  • Publishing costs
  • Radio and television broadcast fees
  • Research-related costs
  • Salary costs, including stipends, relating to the project,
  • Security costs
  • Training and capacity building expenditures
  • Translation and interpretation fees
  • Vehicle and equipment operation, installation and/or maintenance
  • Website development and related costs

CFLI funding is not available for the following costs:

  • Gifts.
  • Luxury goods.
  • Direct funding assistance to a government.
  • Microfinance and/or seed money.
  • Nuclear facilities and technologies.
  • Support for paramilitary or military groups.
  • Recurring expenses or core funding for a company.
  • Costs incurred either after the contribution agreement ends or before it is signed.

Eligibilities Criteria for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives:

  1. Qualifications to submit a financing application for CFLI include:
  • Nonprofit, community, and non-governmental organisations in the area.
  • Regional academic institutions engaged in regional initiatives.
  • International non-governmental organisations engaged in regional development initiatives.
  • Canadian non-profit and non-governmental groups engaged in community development initiatives.

2. CFLI funds local civil society organizations and institutions, aiming to fund innovative projects with measurable results.

How To Apply?


  1. All projects have to be completed by February 28, 2025, which is the day the Contribution Agreement is signed.
  2. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2024 at 23:59 (GMT+2). Electronic submissions of proposals should go to
  3. Only those proposals using the designated application form and including the required budget document will be considered.
  4. Please refer to the list of CFLI authorised costs and activities for further details on the kinds of expenses and activities that qualify for CFLI support.
  5. Application submissions must be in either French or English.
  6. All questions in the CFLI project application form, including the mandatory gender-based analysis, must be addressed in detail in project proposals. The suggested activities and related expenses should be enumerated in the project budget.
  7. A selection committee will evaluate applications and make a decision based solely on their merits.
  8. Please send an email to to reach the CFLI Coordinator and request an application.
  9. If you have any inquiries concerning the application procedure, please email




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